Guernsey Press

Australian PM defends response to wildfires as cooler weather brings respite

Steve Morrison has sought to change the tone by insisting the focus should be on the response being made to the blazes.


Cooling temperatures and calmer winds have brought some relief to Australian communities hit by wildfires but the heat stayed on the country’s Prime Minister to accept responsibility for the crisis and take action.

Scott Morrison announced on Saturday that he would dispatch 3,000 army, navy and air force reservists to help battle the fires.

He also committed 20 million Australian dollars (£10.6 million) to lease fire-fighting aircraft from overseas.

But the moves did little to dampen down the criticism he has been slow to act, even as he has downplayed the need for his Government to address climate change, which experts say played a key role in supercharging the blazes.

“There has been a lot of blame being thrown around,” Mr Morrison said at a news conference.

“And now is the time to focus on the response that is being made … blame doesn’t help anybody at this time and over-analysis of these things is not a productive exercise.”

As dawn broke over a blackened landscape on Sunday, a picture emerged of disaster of unprecedented scale.

The New South Wales Rural Fire Service said 150 fires were active in the state, 64 of them uncontrolled.

The fires have killed at least 24 people, including a 47-year-old man who died on Saturday night while trying to defend a friend’s home from encroaching flames.

Nearly 2,000 homes have been destroyed.

Australia Wildfires
Timbers from a small bridge smoulder after fire destroyed a crossing near Burrill Lake (Rick Rycroft/AP)

Australians know to expect summer wildfires but the blazes arrived early this year, fed by drought and the country’s hottest and driest year on record.

“It’s not something we have experienced before,” New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian said.

“The weather activity we’re seeing, the extent and spread of the fires, the speed at which they’re (moving), the way they are attacking communities that have never seen fire is unprecedented,” she said.

Scientists say there is no doubt man-made global warming has played a major role in feeding the fires, along with factors like very dry brush and trees and strong winds.

Mr Morrison, chided for past remarks minimising the need to address climate change, has deflected criticism while trying to change his tone.

“There is no dispute in this country about the issue of climate change globally and its effect on global weather patterns, and that includes how it impacts in Australia,” the Prime Minister said.

“I have to correct the record here. I have seen a number of people suggest that somehow the Government does not make this connection.

“The Government has always made this connection and that has never been in dispute.”

Australia Wildfires
A firefighter uses a rake to move burning debris (Rick Rycroft/AP)

His handling of the deployment of reservists also came in for criticism on Sunday.

Rural Fire Service Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons, who is leading the fight in New South Wales, said he learned of the deployment through media reports.

“It is fair to say it was disappointing and some surprise to hear about these things through public announcements in the middle of what was one of our worst days this season, with the second-highest number of concurrent emergency warning fires ever in the history of New South Wales,” he said.

On Sunday, cooler temperatures and lighter winds brought some relief to threatened communities, a day after thousands were forced to flee as flames reached the suburban fringes of Sydney.

Thousands of firefighters fought to contain the blazes but many fires continued to burn out of control, threatening to wipe out rural townships and causing almost incalculable damage to property and wildlife.

Meanwhile, Australia’s capital, Canberra, was enveloped in a smoky haze Sunday and air quality at midday was measured at 10 times the usual hazardous limit.

In New Zealand, the skies above Auckland were tinged orange by smoke from the bushfires and police were inundated with calls from anxious residents.

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