Guernsey Press

Win in American Samoa is consolation prize for big-spending Mike Bloomberg

The ex-New York mayor is backing Joe Biden after spending 500 million US dollars on a campaign which ended after his first appearance on the ballot.


Mike Bloomberg’s 500 million US dollar investment in his now-abandoned White House campaign was not entirely wasted.

The media mogul did manage to get 175 votes to win the Democratic contest in a group of Pacific islands with lush vegetation and stunning coastlines some 7,200 miles from where he once served as New York City’s mayor.

Mr Bloomberg’s lone primary victory in American Samoa, population 55,000, was an unorthodox and inauspicious culmination to a much-hyped but short-lived Democratic presidential campaign marked by unprecedented spending designed to make a splash in Super Tuesday states.

He did at least cause a ripple with his win in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Mr Bloomberg on Tuesday won half of the 351 Democrats voting in the American Samoa caucus, picking up five delegates before he dropped out of the race and endorsed Joe Biden.

Election 2020 Bloomberg American Samoa
The Mike Bloomberg campaign is shown in the village of Nu’uuli, near Pago Pago, American Samoa (Fili Sagapolutele/AP)

Mr Bloomberg’s decisive win over the local-born Ms Gabbard was startling, but the Hawaii congresswoman had a late start campaigning in the territory compared with the billionaire.

Mr Bloomberg installed seven full-time staff members in American Samoa in recent weeks, more than any other campaign, and bought up billboards and ads on television, online, in print and on the radio, including Samoan language ads.

He even picked up an endorsement on  Monday from Samoan Chief Fa’alagiga Nina Tua’au-Glaude, who cited Mr Bloomberg’s work spending millions to fight climate change that the chief says will be devastating to the islands.

Election 2020 Bloomberg American Samoa
Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard (Mary Altaffer/AP)

Mr Bloomberg tweeted a photo of two people in campaign T-shirts doing the work.

“Our incredible team in American Samoa, who calls themselves ‘Protectors of the Earth,’ not only got out the vote but took time out of their day to clean up a park,” Mr Bloomberg wrote on Tuesday, hours before getting disappointing results in other Super Tuesday contests.

Nathaniel Savali, a Democrat and staunch Bloomberg supporter, said he was most impressed by Mr Bloomberg’s decision to place staff on the island and make a serious effort to win support.

“They were mindful of our sensitivities to cultural preservation and relayed back to the campaign headquarters the concerns of our people,” Mr Savali said.

“They also offered solutions with the promise that the US territories would not be forgotten under a Bloomberg presidency.”

Tony Langkilde, who helped campaign for Ms Gabbard, said her campaign began in earnest there just three days before Super Tuesday.

“I got a call from Tulsi’s father in Honolulu,” Mr Langkilde said.

“We actually started Friday to work on a local campaign.”

Mr Langkilde said he met with Ms Gabbard’s brother, who lives in American Samoa, and began putting together print and radio ads in both English and Samoan.

They printed shirts, visors and launched a social media campaign that Mr Langkilde said garnered a lot of attention.

Ms Gabbard sent a video to rally her supporters.

“During the caucus, there were supporters there coming in to support a local girl, but it’s just that we started late,” Mr Langkilde said.

“If we started campaigning much earlier, I think the response would have been much greater.”

It is not the first time the islands have delivered a win to someone other than the candidate who boasted a cultural link to the Pacific.

In 2008, Hillary Clinton gained Democrats’ support in American Samoa over Barack Obama, who was born in Hawaii and whose roots supporters played up.

The islands between Hawaii and New Zealand include a land area roughly the size of Washington, DC, where tuna fishing and processing is a major driver of the economy and most residents are bilingual, Christian and Pacific Islander.

The territory’s residents are US nationals but not citizens, which leaves them unable to vote in presidential elections but allows them to participate in presidential primary contests run by political parties.

While serving as Mr Obama’s vice president in 2016, Mr Biden made a brief stop in Pago Pago while his plane was refuelling as he headed from Hawaii to Australia and New Zealand.

Mr Biden was met by a local delegation led by the governor, shook hands and posed for photos.

The 90-minute visit does not seem to have helped his campaign much four years later.

He came fourth in the territory’s caucuses on Tuesday.

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