Guernsey Press

Trump nominated by Republicans to take on Biden in US presidential election

Despite the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, delegates are holding an in-person meeting and roll call vote.

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The Republican Party has formally nominated US President Donald Trump for a second term in the White House.

The nomination was one of the first acts of a Republican convention that has been dramatically scaled down to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Mr Trump has sought to minimise the toll of the pandemic, but its impact was evident as proceedings began in Charlotte, North Carolina. Instead of the thousands of people who were expected to converge on this city for a week-long extravaganza, just 336 delegates participated in a roll call vote from a Charlotte Convention Centre ballroom.

Earlier, the convention renominated vice president Mike Pence, and he thanked the delegates in person.

Mr Pence said: “The choice in this election has never been clearer and the stakes have never been higher. We’re going to make American great again. Again.”

Party chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said as she began the proceedings: “We are obviously disappointed we could not hold this event in the same way we had originally planned.”

US vice president Mike Pence
US vice president Mike Pence (AP/Chris Carlson)

Many of the usual trappings are present – the signs designating each state and the gift bags. But chairs on the ballroom floor were arranged with lots of space between them and convention organisers told participants to wear masks, though adherence to the rule was uneven.

It is a sharp contrast to the approach of Democrats, who created a roll call via video montage from states across the country to avoid a large-scale gathering last week at their well-received virtual convention.

The Republican convention is a crucial moment for Mr Trump, who is trailing in national and battleground state polls and is under intense pressure to turn the race around. Aides hope the convention will give them a chance to recast the story of Mr Trump’s presidency and shift the campaign’s thrust from a referendum on him to a choice between his vision for America’s future and the one presented by Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

Delegates applaud as they vote on the first day of the RNC
Delegates applaud as they vote on the first day of the RNC (Travis Dove/The New York Times via AP, Pool)

“The truth is there’s only one person who has empathised with everyday Americans and actually been fighting for them every single day over the past four years, and that’s President Donald J Trump,” she said, adding that the convention would aim to present “an aspirational, forward-looking vision” for the future.

For both sides, it is an unconventional convention year.

The parties’ election year gatherings are typically massive events, drawing thousands of delegates, party leaders, donors, journalists and political junkies for a week of speeches, parties and after-parties that inject hundreds of thousands of dollars into the local economy and deliver a multi-day infomercial for the nominee.

US Election
(PA Graphics)

Attendees were asked to practise enhanced social distancing and get tested prior to travel, fill in a pre-travel health questionnaire and participate in a daily symptom tracker. They are also being tested onsite, have been asked to maintain a 6ft distance from other people and to use face coverings as a condition of participation – though many attendees were seen openly flouting those rules on Monday morning. The RNC has also committed to contacting every participant five, 14 and 21 days after the event to check on potential symptoms.

The event had been met with protests, and police have made several arrests.

After starting in Charlotte, most of the convention will take place in Washington, DC, at and around the White House, as well as by video. It will feature remarks from a long list of well-known supporters of Mr Trump, including members of the Trump family, conservative firebrands and everyday Americans who campaign officials say have been helped by Mr Trump’s policies.

Donald Trump is expected to make his speech from the south lawn of the White House (Patrick Semansky/AP)
Donald Trump is expected to make his speech from the south lawn of the White House (Patrick Semansky/AP)
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