Guernsey Press

Elizabeth Holmes convicted of fraud over ‘blood-testing’ start-up Theranos

Billionaires and other investors were duped into backing a seemingly revolutionary company whose medical technology never worked as promised.


Elizabeth Holmes has been convicted of fraud for turning her blood-testing start-up Theranos into a sophisticated sham.

The scheme duped billionaires and other unwitting investors into backing a seemingly revolutionary company whose medical technology never worked as promised.

The verdict followed a three-month trial featuring dozens of witnesses — including Holmes herself. She now faces up to 20 years in prison for each count, although legal experts say she is unlikely to receive anything close to the maximum sentence.

The jury deadlocked on three remaining charges. The split verdicts are “a mixed bag for the prosecution, but it’s a loss for Elizabeth Holmes because she is going away to prison for at least a few years”, said David Ring, a lawyer who has followed the case closely.

Federal prosecutors presented evidence to depict Holmes as a charlatan obsessed with fame and fortune.

Elizabeth Holmes, centre, leaves federal court after the verdict in San Jose
Elizabeth Holmes faces ‘at least a few years’ in prison, according to one expert (Nic Coury/AP)

The trial also exposed the pitfalls of one of the go-to moves of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs — conveying a boundless optimism regardless of whether it is warranted, known as Fake It ‘Til You Make It.

That ethos helped hatch groundbreaking companies such as Google, Netflix, Facebook, and Apple — the latter co-founded by one of Holmes’ heroes, Steve Jobs.

Her conviction might lower the wattage — at least temporarily — on the brash promises and bold exaggerations that have become a routine part of the tech industry’s innovation hustle.

Elizabeth Holmes looks at her partner, Billy Evans, as they walk into federal court in San Jose
Holmes was supported throughout the trial by her current partner Billy Evans, right (Nic Coury/AP)

She bowed her head several times before the jury was polled by US District Judge Edward Davila and after the judge left the courtroom to meet with jurors individually, Holmes got up to hug her partner, Billy Evans, and her parents before leaving with her lawyers.

Holmes did not respond to questions about the verdicts lobbed at her during a walk from the courthouse to the nearby hotel where she has stayed during jury deliberations.

She was to remain free on bond while awaiting sentencing, which will be determined by the judge.

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