Guernsey Press

‘Finch-smuggling kingpin’ jailed in New York

It was Insaf Ali’s second time being sentenced in a Brooklyn federal court for a crime related to bird trafficking.


A man repeatedly caught trying to smuggle finches from Guyana into New York for birdsong competitions has been sentenced to a year and a day in prison.

It was Insaf Ali’s second time being sentenced in a Brooklyn federal court for a crime related to bird trafficking, and he vowed it would be his last.

“I’m going to stay away from the birds,” Ali pledged in a video he submitted to the court, “because it’s trouble.”

Ali, 62, pleaded guilty last summer to conspiring to import wildlife illegally.

He was previously arrested in 2018 carrying finch-stuffed hair curlers in his socks at JFK, authorities said.

In that case, he pleaded guilty to smuggling and was sentenced to two years’ probation and a 7,800 dollar fine.

Songbird competitions have been a pastime in the Caribbean for centuries, with the birds judged on such factors as how many times they chirp or sing.

JFK airport sign
He was previously arrested in 2018 carrying finch-stuffed hair curlers in his socks at JFK, authorities said (Alamy/PA)

Stuffed into curlers and concealed to evade detection, finches sometimes die as they are flown to the US, and US Customs and Border Protection worries that such smuggling could spread bird diseases.

Prosecutors argued in a memo dated January 31 that Ali deserved “significant” prison time, calling him “one of New York’s finch-smuggling kingpins”.

His lawyer, Christine Delince, asked for leniency. She said that Ali is “incredibly remorseful” for a crime fuelled by a love of seed finches that dates to his childhood in Guyana and has given him solace through many personal difficulties.

“His actions were not just about money,” she wrote, saying the birds “are a part of him and a part of his culture”.

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