Guernsey Press

Stone Age discovery fuels mystery of who made early tools

In the past, scientists assumed that our direct ancestors were the only toolmakers.


Archaeologists in Kenya have dug up some of the oldest stone tools ever found, but who used them is a mystery.

In the past, scientists assumed that our direct ancestors were the only toolmakers.

But two big fossil teeth found along with the tools at the Kenyan site belong to an extinct human cousin known as Paranthropus, according to a study published in the journal Science.

“Those teeth open up an amazing whodunnit – a real question of, well, who were these earliest toolmakers?” Mr Potts said.

The tools date back to around 2.9 million years ago, when early humans used them to butcher hippos for their meat, the researchers report.

Older stone tools have been found in Kenya, dating back to around 3.3 million years ago, long before our own Homo ancestors appeared.

Those tools were a bit simpler and so far have only been found in one spot, said Shannon McPherron, an archaeologist at Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology who was not involved with the study.

A fossil hippo skeleton and associated Oldowan artefacts
A fossil hippo skeleton and associated Oldowan artefacts (TW Plummer/Homa Peninsula Paleoanthropology Project via AP)

They held a rock in one hand and hit it with another stone, chipping off thin, razor-sharp flakes, explained anthropologist Kathy Schick, of the Stone Age Institute in Indiana, who was not involved in the research.

With the rocks and flakes, early humans could slice and crush a wide range of materials, said lead author Thomas Plummer, an anthropologist at Queens College of the City University of New York.

And the tools from the Kenya site – likely the most ancient Oldowan tools found to date – suggest this gave them an advantage in a key area: eating.

The site, known as Nyayanga, is a lush, hilly landscape on the shores of Lake Victoria. Since starting excavations there in 2015, researchers have found a trove of artefacts and animal bones, along with the two Paranthropus teeth.

Slice marks on several hippo bones show they were cut up for their meat, which would have been eaten raw, Mr Plummer said.

“Stone tools are allowing them, even at this really early date, to extract a lot of resources from the environment,” Mr Plummer said. “If you can butcher a hippo, you can butcher pretty much anything.”

In the past, it was easy to assume that our direct ancestors were the ones using these tools, Mr Plummer said. But the teeth make it hard to rule out that other early humans were picking up tools of their own, researchers said — even extinct cousins such as Paranthropus, with their big teeth and small brains.

The mystery will be a tough one to solve.

After all, we can’t say for sure whether Paranthropus was using these tools, or just happened to die in the same place, Ms Schick said: “When we find hominin fossils with stone tools, you always have to ask, is this the dinner or the diner?”

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