Guernsey Press

North Korea warns of more military displays after President Biden comments

Fresh agreement on nuclear deterrents after talks between US and South Korea.


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s sister has warned of more provocative military displays in response to a US-South Korean agreement to counter the North’s nuclear threat.

In comments on state media, Kim Yo Jong – one of Kim Jong Un’s leading foreign policy officials – said the agreement reflected a “hostile and aggressive will of action” against the North and will put peace in the region in “more serious danger”.

Her comments follow US President Joe Biden’s remark that a North Korean nuclear attack on the US or its allies would “result in the end of whatever regime” launched the action.

Mr Biden was talking after a meeting with South Korean President Yook Suk Yeol in Washington amid heightened tensions in the region.

Koreas Tensions
Kim Yo Jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (Korean Central News Agency/Korea News Service/AP)

During their summit, Mr Biden and Mr Yoon announced new nuclear deterrence efforts that call for periodically docking US nuclear-armed submarines in South Korea for the first time in decades and bolstering training between the two countries.

They also committed to plans for bilateral presidential consultations in the event of a North Korean nuclear attack, the establishment of a nuclear consultative group and improved sharing of information on nuclear and strategic weapons operation plans.

“When we consider that this expression was personally used by the President of the US, our most hostile adversary, it is threatening rhetoric for which he should be prepared for far too great an after storm,” she said.

“The more the enemies are dead set on staging nuclear war exercises and the more nuclear assets they deploy in the vicinity of the Korean Peninsula, the stronger the exercise of our right to self-defence will become in direct proportion to them.”

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