Guernsey Press

Israel shuts down main crossing with Gaza after violence at border

The string of protests – disrupting weeks of calm at the separation fence – comes during a sensitive holiday season in Israel.

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Israel has barred entry to thousands of Palestinian labourers from the Gaza Strip following an eruption of violent protests that have escalated tensions along the volatile frontier.

The string of protests — disrupting weeks of calm at the separation fence — comes during a sensitive holiday season in Israel that began with the Jewish new year last week and continues through the Sukkot festival next week.

During Sukkot, large numbers of Jews are expected to visit Jerusalem’s most sensitive holy site, revered by Jews as the Temple Mount and Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary. The compound, home to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, is often a focal point for violence.

Over the last week, dozens of Palestinians — burning tyres and hurling explosive devices at Israeli soldiers — have streamed toward the fence separating Israel from Gaza, which has been under an Israeli-Egyptian blockade since 2007. Israel says the blockade is needed to prevent the ruling Hamas militant group from arming itself.

Palestinians Israel
A masked Palestinian protester waves his national flag next to burning tyres during clashes with Israeli security forces along the frontier with Israel, east of Gaza City on Tuesday (Adel Hana/AP/PA)

“As long as these provocations continue, the protests will continue,” said Hamas spokesperson Hazem Qasem.

Under longstanding arrangements, Jews are allowed to visit but not pray at the holy site. The large numbers of visits, along with scenes of some visitors quietly praying, have raised Palestinian fears that Israel is trying to divide or even take over the site.

The week’s events recall a bloody protest campaign organised by Hamas in 2018 and 2019 during which over 350 Palestinians were killed by Israeli fire.

Those protests halted after mediators, including Egypt, Qatar and the United Nations, brokered an unofficial deal in which Israel eased some economic restrictions on Gaza and allowed Qatar to deliver tens of millions of dollars in monthly payments for needy Gaza families and Hamas salaries.

But this month, following a visit by the Qatari envoy to Gaza, the territory’s finance ministry announced it would have to slash the salaries of thousands of civil servants by almost half. The Qatari government press office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

When asked about the reduction in Qatari funds, Ghazi Hamad, a member of the group’s political council in Gaza, acknowledged there were “problems” between Hamas and Qatar, without elaborating.

He insisted the issues were “simple and solvable.” He would not comment on whether Hamas was using the border protests as a pressure tactic to wring concessions out of Israel and Qatar.

In response to the protests, Israel closed Erez crossing, the sole pedestrian passageway out of the enclave into Israel, to the roughly 18,000 Palestinians from Gaza who work in Israel. The jobs in Israel are in great demand, paying up to 10 times as much as similar jobs in Gaza. Unemployment in the territory has hovered at close to 50%.

Israel has begun to grant work permits in recent years to help maintain calm in Gaza. But Israeli officials say the permits are contingent on a quiet security situation.

Earlier this month, Israel briefly closed Gaza’s main cargo crossing after saying it had discovered explosives in an outgoing shipment of clothing.

Palestinian health officials said later on Tuesday that at least three people were killed in an Israeli military raid in the northern West Bank.

They say some 30 others were wounded in Tuesday’s operation in the Jenin refugee camp.

The Israeli military is providing few details, though it says it carried out a rare drone strike.

Palestinian health officials reported numerous casualties from Israeli gunfire.

The identities of the dead were not immediately known. But the camp is known as a militant stronghold, and Israel often carries out arrest raids in the area.

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