Guernsey Press

Extremely rare white alligator born at Florida reptile park

It is descended from a nest of leucistic alligators discovered in the swamps of Louisiana in 1987.

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An extremely rare white leucistic alligator has been born at a Florida reptile park.

The 49cm female slithered out of its shell and into the history books as one of a few known leucistic alligators, Gatorland Orlando said.

“This is beyond rare. It is absolutely extraordinary,” said Mark McHugh, president and CEO of Gatorland.

A white leucistic alligator next to toy blocks
Leucistic alligators are the rarest genetic variation in the American alligator (Ken Guzzetti/Gatorland via AP)

The blue-eyed newborn is the first solid white alligator ever recorded to have descended from those original alligators. Of the seven remaining alligators from the nest, three are at Gatorland, Mr McHugh said.

Park visitors will be able to see the leucistic alligator and her brother early next year.

“For now, however, we continue to keep them safe where we can closely monitor their health and growth,” Mr McHugh said.

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