Guernsey Press

Arts Podcast: 'A Renaissance of Victor Hugo', sculptor Sophie Le Lievre, and a plan for public art

Simon De La Rue brings you another collection of conversations from across Guernsey's creative community.


On this month's show, we hear from Daniel Hosego, one of the visiting artists featuring in Art for Guernsey's 'A Renaissance of Victor Hugo' exhibition at its new Mansell Street home, sculptor Sophie Le Lievre on her recent show 'Portal', and Guernsey Arts' Russ Fossey and artist Chris Simcox about the future of public art in Guernsey.

Plus we check in on GADOC's production of '9 to 5' and the OSA Pop Up Shop, where the 'Quirky Kiwi' Claire Fisher has been showing her Maori-inspired work.


Stay tuned for new episodes of the Guernsey Press Arts Podcast every month, covering the full gamut of Guernsey's creative output with interviews, event previews, and features.