Guernsey Press

Planning applications - 5 November, 2013

Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.


Mr and Mrs B. Dovey – raise ridge height and alter and extend dwelling, erect 1.5-storey extension (west elevation) and install balcony. Install balcony at rear (north) at La Cochee, Rue des Hougues.

R. W. Randall Ltd – alterations to fenestration, demolish lean-to extension and erect replacement flat roof extension to the side of the property (north elevation) at Rockmount staff house, The Rockmount, Cobo.

Mr K. E. E. Rowe – change of use of six flats from residential use class eight (care home) to residential use class three (sheltered housing), (retrospective) at Les Blancs Bois House, Rue Cohu.


Mr D. Appleton – erect replacement shed at rear at 4, La Frairie, Rue Frairies.

Mr P. Page – demolish rear and erect new extension, install new rooflights at Journeys End, Les Mauxmarquis.

Mr R. J. and Mrs W. Corbin – alter and rebuild garage and workshop at Les Naftiaux Farm, Rue des Naftiaux.


Constables of St Martin – remove section of roadside earth bank and erect granite wall to accommodate new seat at Professor Shaw Community Centre, Rue Maze.

Mr and Mrs S. Llewellyn-Jones – install a dormer window to the rear of the dwelling at Tir Na Nog, Forest Road.

Mr and Mrs D. Girard – variations to works previously approved to erect 1.5-storey extension at rear of dwelling and garage/store to side – install dormer window above garage (north-east elevation) at Kempsey, Les Vaurioufs.

Mr S. Denning – variations to works previously approved – alterations from timber construction to block built rendered shed with GRP roof at Courtil de Landes, Les Huriaux Road.

Mr P. Bisson and Miss C. Howarth – demolish existing and erect 1.5-storey extension at rear of dwelling at 2, Les Croutes Cottage, Rue des Croutes.

Mr D. Keaveney and Ms C. Jehan – demolish roadside wall and create parking area at Marlin, Les Camps du Moulin.


Babbe – install two additional air conditioning units to existing plant area at La Vielle Cour and Galleon Wing, La Plaiderie.

Treasury and Resources Department – replace courtyard paving slabs, erect railings and extend barrier arm at vehicular entrance. Remove pedestrian gate, construct ramp and install handrails and balustrades (protected building) at police station, Hospital Lane.

Mr and Mrs Leggett – install window at rear of dwelling (protected building) at Soulac Cottage, St John Street.

Mr and Mrs B. Lister – erect flat roof extension to side with first floor balcony, construct rear dormer window, install rooflight, alterations to fenestration and erect decking at front of dwelling at Le Mont, Constitution Steps.

Mr P. J. Tilden-Smith – raise car park walls, install stackers and create roof terrace at Sunnybank parking, Victoria Road.

Mr S. Wallace –demolish outbuilding, erect extension at side of dwelling and erect wall and pillars along roadside at Pen-Y-Bryn, Les Gravees du Sud.

Mr A. Roberts – demolish sunroom and erect extensions on south elevation and west elevation and to front (north). Replace window with garage door and install new front door with timber cladding at Southwind, 34, Rue de la Douzaine, Fort George.


Lihou Island Charitable Trust – replace roofing material with slates and install replacement rooflights (retrospective) at Lihou Island.

Mr and Mrs H. Ball – erect a garage at Marchcroft, Rue de l'Aitte.


Norman Piette Ltd – erect single storey flat-roofed timber framed customer service point adjacent to insulation store (block A) at Norman Piette, Bulwer Avenue.

Public Service Department – variation of condition four and six of FULL/2011/2233 approval – permanent retention of traffic lights at junction of Longue Hougue Lane and Bulwer Avenue.

Mr P. A. Neville and Miss H. B. Wallis – install two rooflights and bi-fold doors to rear of dwelling at Tall Timbers, Alana Close, Route Militaire.

Mr J. A. Da Corte – demolish conservatory and erect 1.5-storey extension to rear (east) at Winfield, Route Militaire.

Zanton Properties Ltd – alter and

extend dwelling and workshop to

create four apartments with

associated parking (revised) at Zanton, Route Carre,


Mr and Mrs G. Gibbs – change of use from residential use class one to residential use class four, use of gym and conservatory as personal fitness training studio (retrospective) at Coucher Du Soleil, Rue du Rignet.

Mr and Mrs P. Richardson – remove hedge and replace with timber fence along south boundary at La Hauteur, Village des Ivieres, Route des Clos Landais.


Mr S. Tayler – erect signpost at junction of Le Douit Lane with L'Ancresse Road at Earlswood Garden Centre, Ville Baudu.

Mr M. Cummins – remove window and install new door (retrospective) at Kimberley, La Route Militaire.

Mr and Mrs C. Bentley – install two dormer windows to rear (east) and one dormer window and rooflight to front. Erect porch and remove chimney at Oasis, Rue des Landes.

Mr and Mrs W. M. Lawther – demolish conservatory, erect replacement and adjoining gym/pool room. Install door on north elevation of main dwelling (protected building) at Le Marais, Rue des Hautgards.

Mr Kasner and Ms Mitchener – demolish existing and erect new extension at rear of dwelling at Beech House, Rue du Picquerel.

It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.

However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the notice.

Applications are normally published in the Guernsey Press shortly after they are received as valid and this advertisement may appear before the site notice is erected.

Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the department's offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port between 9am and 5pm Mondays to Fridays.

Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined.

Representations will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.

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