Planning applications - 12 November, 2013
Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.

Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.
Les Pelley Ltd – erect lean-to porch at rear (south elevation) at Les Pelleys, Rue des Vallees.
Mr Woodland – remove existing conservatory roof and replace with timber roof structure, install rooflights and remove and replace windows and doors at Saumarez Park Manor Residential Home, Route de Saumarez.
Mr A. Bisson – install replacement windows and doors at ground floor level and install bi-folding patio doors (west elevation) at Bijour D'La Mair, Rue de la Saline, Grandes Rocques.
Mr J. Froome – demolish section of roadside wall to create wider vehicular access at Haut de la Pente, Le Chene.
Mr A. Opie – change of use from Retail Use Class 15 to Retail Use Class 15 and 16 (retrospective) and construction of external extract ducting on rear (south east) elevation (revised) at The New King Fisher Chip Shop, Route des Sablons, L'Eree.
Le Poidevins Investments Ltd – install six rooflights and internal alterations to attic floor space (protected building) at Les Poidevins, Les Poidevins Road.
Mr and Mrs S. Davison – erect single-storey extension, garden room and install swimming pool to rear (east). Erect detached garage to side (south) and remove section of roadside earthbank to widen vehicular access at Le Menage, Rue Poudreuse.
Mr and Mrs S. B. Johns – convert and extend existing outbuilding to form dwelling house – revised scheme, at Icart Farm, Icart Road.
Mr and Mrs T. Eisenhuth – extend dwelling at ground floor level and create first floor with balcony and reposition vehicular access at Vue du Port, Jerbourg Road.
Les Pres de Jerbourg Ltd – realignment of roadside earthbank and reposition existing gate on east boundary at field at La Moye Lane.
Mr and Mrs R. Russell – erect two-storey extension and install dormer with Juliet balcony in dwelling at front (east elevation) at Fermain House, Calais Road.
Grange Finance Ltd Guernsey – erect storage compound to side (west) of building at Wholesale Unit (former DHS Building), Rouge Val Estate, Rouge Rue.
Kia Holdings Ltd – variations to previously approved works to demolish existing and erect replacement office accommodation – install four air conditioning units on flat roof (south east) at The Elms, St Julian's Avenue.
Blacks – erect a fascia sign (rear) and a fascia and hanging sign (front) (protected building) at 9, Le Pollet.
Ms E. Mather – relocate front door from side to front of porch at Torridon, Highfield Estate, Upper St Jacques.
Mr and Mrs K. Bell – erect wall and fence at rear (west) at 3, Clos de Bas, Green Lanes.
Mr B. Cowens – remove hedge at front at La Chaumiere Roc, Les Ozouets.
Watts & Co. – install signage to front of building (east elevation) at 1, High Street.
Mrs D. Sallabank – fell tree to front of property at 1, La Frene, Ville au Roi.
Mr and Mrs Y. C. and S. Y. Lai – replace garage door with bi-folding doors and erect a shed at rear at Wing Lok, Croutes Havilland.
Mr C. A. Jehan – demolish existing shed and erect stable block to rear of property at Je Reviens, Rue des Heches.
Mr and Mrs A. Paxton – increase height of boundary wall at front, erect pillars and install a sliding entrance gate at Le Grand Batiment, Rue de L'Issue.
Mr J. Knight – variations to works previously approved, extend and alter dwelling – internal alterations, alter doorway (south-west elevation) and install garage doors on north-east elevation (protected building) at St Briocq, Rue de St Briocq.
Mr A. Jardine – demolish part of existing property to create residential unit, erect two new residential units and create vehicular access and driveway (Outline Application) at New Brock, Brock Road.
Mr D. Stone – erect single-storey extension at rear of property at Ellesmere, Clos du Murier, Rue de Bas.
Oatlands Holdings Ltd – erect marquee cover for roller skating rink with covered walkway to Jungle House at Oatlands Village, Les Gigands.
Mr A. Falla – extend domestic curtilage to erect a garage, wall and fencing with gates and create car parking area at Avondale, Oatlands Lane.
Mr J. Le Page – extend domestic curtilage and construct earthbank at Talacre, Les Osmonds Lane.
Mr and Mrs R. Bryce – erect log cabin to north of property at Greenacres, Grand Fort.
States Housing – replace wooden windows with uPVC windows at Flat 1, Les Annevilles Farm, Rue des Annevilles.
Mrs J. Le Page – variations to works previously approved, erect extensions and subdivide property into two dwellings – increase the size of the lightwells, alter the guarding to the lightwells, install three additional rooflights to the rear of the property and raise the ridge height of the rear extension at Mon Desir, Les Monmains.
Mr and Mrs P. Cairns – demolish store, extend and convert barn to dower unit (protected building) at La Jaoniere, Rue de la Greve.
Mr and Mrs P. Cairns – erect double garage and fell two trees at rear of property at La Jaoniere, Rue de la Greve.
Mr D. Ingrouille – raise ridge height to create first-floor accommodation, install rooflights on rear elevation and install rooflight, dormer windows and Juliet balcony on front elevation (revised) at D'Aval, Rue du Closel.
Traffic Services – realign section of boundary wall at junction of Les Rouvets Road and Route du Camp du Roi (protected building) at Le Jarstinet, Route du Camp du Roi.
Mr G. Newark – rebuild barn wall (west), reinstate roof and construct internal floor (retrospective) (protected building) at Maison D'Aval, Rue D'Aval.
It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.
However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the site notice.
Applications are normally advertised in the Press shortly after they are received as valid and this advertisement may appear before the site notice is erected.
Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection by the general public at the Environment Department offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port, during the hours of 9am to 5pm, Mondays to Fridays.
Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined. Representations will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.