Planning applications - 18 November 2014
Applications to the Environment Department, as published in the Guernsey Press.
Mr and Mrs B. Dovey - erect single storey extension to rear of property at La Conchee, Rue des Hougues.
Mr and Mrs R. W. Beebe - install external insulation render system, replace all windows and doors and block up existing window on west elevation at first floor level at San Grato, La Houguette Road.
Mr and Mrs C. Ozanne - demolish lean-to and erect 1.5 storey extension (rear elevation), install balcony (side elevation), install rooflight (rear elevation) and erect car port at Au Ciel de Haut, Rue des Eturs.
Mr and Mrs S. Page - remove existing garage door and replace with new window and blockwork, remove existing and erect replacement wall and gate at Au Soleil, Clos de Bar Mer, Sous les Courtils.
Miss S. Nicolle and Mrs L. Devonshire - demolish existing and erect replacement single storey extension to rear (north-east) elevation of property at St Denis, Route de Cobo.
Stan Brouard Group - utilise building in course of construction by Channel Islands Ceramics for storage and distribution and industrial activities (Storage/Distribution use classes 30 and 32 and Industrial use class 37) at Clemrose Commercial Estate, Rue de la Fosse.
TDM Developments Ltd - install catslide dormer to north west elevation (revised) at Rockcliffe, Rue de la Falaise.
Mr D. Lee - remove hedge (north-east boundary) at Achnacarry, 8, Le Grand Manel, La Rue des
Anfre Holdings Ltd - erect new industrial building divided into four separate units at Route de la Garenne, Pitronnerie Road.
Bridge Developments Ltd - demolish existing dwelling and re-develop site to provide six apartments with associated car parking, create new vehicular access and alterations to roadside boundary wall at Niardua, Guelles Road.
Sarah Colquhoun - display wall sign at 45, Longstore.
Mr S. Henley - variations to plans previously approved to extend and alter property - install roof terrace with glass balustrade and access door at second floor level, install glass balustrade at first floor and alter fenestration to ground floor on the rear elevation and internal alterations (protected building) at 49, Le Pollet.
Mr S. Henley - variations to plans previously approved to extend and alter property - install roof terrace with glass balustrade and access door at second floor level, install glass balustrade at first floor and alter fenestration to ground floor on the rear elevation and internal alterations (protected building) at 49, Le Pollet.
Treasury and Resources - install chilled ceiling within Court 4 and internal alterations (protected building) at Royal Court Building, Rue du Manoir.
States of Guernsey - install solar gain control film to windows (protected building) at Old Royal Court, Court 4, Level 1, Rue du Manoir.
Oakdene Properties Ltd - remove hedge and erect boundary wall along east boundary to rear of property and install gate at Entre Deux, La Gibauderie.
Ms M. Blakely - erect fascia sign at 35A, Mansell Street.
Ms K. Isbister - remove existing window and replace with door to rear of property (retrospective) (protected building) at 1, St Elmo, 77, Hauteville.
Mr N. Van Leuven - erect extension and conservatory to side of dwelling at Portland, 44, Domaine de Beauport, Hauteville.
Mr and Mrs B. Pearce - erect single storey flat roof extension (rear elevation) at La Jaspellerie, Route de Plaisance.
Jersey Telecom - replace three existing antennae and install replacement cabinet with two smaller cabinets at St Peter's Mast, St Peter's Exchange, La Route du Longfrie.
Mr and Mrs A. Fuller - install one dormer window and rooflight on north elevation and one dormer window and rooflight on west elevation of property at Les Pres, Rue des Fontenils.
Mr and Mrs G. Irish - variations to works previously approved, convert existing garage into cattery and erect garage - reposition garage at Les Bruliaux, Rue du Manoir.
Heirs of G. C. Mallandaine - demolish existing industrial unit and erect two dwellings at site off Rue de la Mare.
Mont Morin Ltd - demolish existing buildings and erect eight apartments with associated car parking, infill existing accesses, install CCTV camera and monitor into existing gate pillars and form bin store at Mont Morin, Mont Morin.
Mr D. Parsons - remove existing fencing and erect 2.44m high timber fencing (north boundary) at Phoenix Dawn, Delancey Lane.
Ms D. Le Prevost - change of use of packing shed from horticulture/agriculture to storage/distribution (Use Class 30) at Northbrook, Grand Douit Road.
Environment Department - install four cycle hoops at South Quay/The Bridge.
Environment Department - install five cycle hoops at South Quay.
Mr J. Bracegirdle - install two air source heat pumps (north-west elevation) (retrospective) at Le Haut Courtil, Route des Laurens.
Oscar Holdings Ltd - alterations to existing stairs (south west corner) at Newlands Building, Lowlands Industrial Estate, la Route du Braye.
CBR Developments Ltd - demolish existing dwelling house and associated outbuildings and erect two new semi-detached dwellings with associated parking area at Belkham, Rue du Tertre.
Mr and Mrs D. Patch - erect first floor extension on south-west elevation at Shalamar, La Jaoniere Clos, Landes du Marche.
Mr and Mrs N. Brehaut - change of use of garden room to beauty salon at Peenemunde, Houmet Lane.
Housing Department - erect traffic mirror at Juas Water Treatment Works, Sous les Hougues.
It is requested that anyone wishing to make representations about a particular application should submit them in writing to the Environment Department, at the address given below, within seven days of the publication of the above list.
However, if also advertised by site notice, the timescale for making representations will be 21 days from the first display of the site notice.
Applications are normally published in the Guernsey Press shortly after they are received as valid and this advertisement may appear before the site notice is erected. Minor applications may not be included as part of this list. However, a complete register containing details of all applications received is available for inspection at the department's offices at Level 3, Sir Charles Frossard House, La Charroterie, St Peter Port, between 9am and 5pm, Mondays to Fridays.
Please note that the content of any letters of representation are not treated as confidential by the department and will be disclosed, at their request, to the applicant, once the application has been determined.
Representations will also be made available to the planning tribunal in the event of an appeal, and could be considered and discussed at a public tribunal hearing.