Guernsey Press
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Resisting Salerie Corner 'expert' advice laudable

PETER GILLSON is incorrect to state that '…the only people seeking cyclist priority [at the Salerie car park entrance/exit] were the Guernsey Bicycle Group'. I am a motorist and habitual user, and observer, of said entrance/exit. I wanted cyclists and pedestrians to be given priority at the rearranged junction. Indeed, like most drivers, well aware that, as a car driver, I was the one with the lethal weapon in my hands, I always gave way to pedestrians and cyclists at the previous incarnation of the junction. If motorists were to be given priority it would hardly have cost £50,000 to repaint the white lines at the junction to encourage cyclists and pedestrians to follow a more north easterly course through the junction, as indeed sensible cyclists and pedestrians already did.

News|Mar 8, 2017
Readers' Letters

Last chance to rethink waste disposal strategy - on-island waste-to-energy solution offers best way forward

UPON retirement from the States last year I planned never to publicly inflict my opinion of the proposed waste strategy on the public ever again. However, I find it impossible to let these waste strategy proposals go forward without all new States members being made aware of the history and background to this issue. Hopefully the below facts will enable them to support Deputy Roffey's amendment. My long-term criticism of the strategy had been based on four years' detailed knowledge of waste issues and the previous Suez waste-to-energy contract during my term as a Public Services Department board member, and also my last four years' service as a Treasury and Resources board member. To summarise further, way back in 2010 a coordinated public misinformation campaign denigrating the benefits of the proposed Suez waste-to-energy plant was raging. The basis of the campaign was that incineration was morally wrong and the proposed household costs were too high.

News|Feb 10, 2017
Readers' Letters