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10 Years On: Hindsight investing

LET’S start from a different place. Let’s talk about your attitude to property and whether you (as most people would) regard it as a long-term investment, as opposed to something merely to live in? And let’s try to think back to 2008 and what your thoughts would have been from your perspective as a Guernsey resident. I say this because I have no doubt that if you were on the Guernsey property market ladder in the run-up to 2008, you’d have been a very happy ‘investor’. It was virtually a one-way bet with prices rising year after year and, regardless of whether you were a long-term or a short-term ‘investor’, life was good. So, if I’d offered you a ‘AAA-rated’ investment based on property (albeit in the US) with a high-risk/high-reward kicker on the side, what could possibly have gone wrong?

Business|Oct 8, 2018