Guernsey Press
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‘Green’ lobby should be more careful what they are wishing for

DESPITE the ongoing problems due to Covid-19, we still seem to be finding plenty of time to worry about global warming. We are told that the global warming that we are seeing is man-made and is due to increasing amounts of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere, mostly due to the burning of fossil fuels, though such things as the reduction of natural vegetation across the world over many years, and the bottom trawling of ocean floors, play a part.

Readers' Letters|Dec 20, 2021
Readers' Letters

CCA worked together for islanders’ benefit

ON 30 December you published a letter from Rod Hamon, in which he said that Gavin St Pier had merely ‘sat giving advice that was only a repeat of what Dr Brink had already said’. I would like to point out to Mr Hamon that, on the contrary, Deputy St Pier had carried on his shoulders the political responsibility of balancing the medical requirements against the huge financial and social problems being caused by the very damaging lockdown in the spring. Personally, I would credit Gavin St Pier with strength and political courage in overseeing the release of this very damaging lockdown far more quickly than many of us at the time believed was going to be possible. As we all know, the release of the local lockdown was achieved – and achieved extremely successfully – by continuing with our border controls.

Readers' Letters|Jan 5, 2021
Readers' Letters