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It’s the lack of calibre of those who stand that’s the problem

RIC Wharton’s vision of how Guernsey should be governed – 2 May 2023 – succinctly argues what many of us in the business community have been saying, regarding the lack of common sense and ability of our States grandees in running Guernsey PLC, other than into the ground. We have people sitting in the chamber with little or no experience of running a corporate enterprise, or even conceiving it as such, out of their depth and should never have got the idea that they should stand for deputy; other than it now commands a salary beyond the private sector dreams of many of them. It is not the fault of island-wide voting, any more than the antiquated parish voting system: it is the lack of calibre of those who stand that is the major problem. At least I get a say in who should get my vote, rather than being confined to a sorry few from my parish, whilst shaking my head in frustration at those who stand in the parish where they have the most chance of election. Will it change? Not without more people speaking out and pushing for change. Turkeys never will vote for Christmas when their main concern is when the next ‘meal’ is coming.

Readers' Letters|May 11, 2023
Readers' Letters

Work-shy young are the reason taxes need to rise

SAY IT often enough, politicians and the complicit media, and it becomes accepted as true. Taxes will have to rise and it is all the fault of the over 65s’ temerity to increase in longevity. Articles in page four, Guernsey Press, 17 September 2021. Throw enough mud and it will stick to the chosen scapegoat and deflect the blame from where it really lies, the politicians and the administration that works their strings.

Readers' Letters|Sep 23, 2021
Readers' Letters