Beere goes 'walkabout' and nearly pays price
GUERNSEY'S bowlers played five matches in the Atlantic championships in Cyprus yesterday, but there was only one victory to cheer, Lucy Beere notching up a fine 21-14 win over Spain's Peta Rhodes.
GUERNSEY'S bowlers played five matches in the Atlantic championships in Cyprus yesterday, but there was only one victory to cheer, Lucy Beere notching up a fine 21-14 win over Spain's Peta Rhodes.
'It was a funny sort of game,' said Beere who just about remains in the qualification hunt.
'I tend to go to sleep halfway through a game and, although I am well aware of the problem and try my best to fight it, that's what happened this morning.'
Playing beautifully, Beere, a former English junior international, forged into a 13-5 lead, but, in her own words, 'went walkabout' mid-game, conceding nine shots in five ends.
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