Heading to Vazon
AUTOCROSSERS are planning to preserve the future of sand racing at Vazon.

AUTOCROSSERS are planning to preserve the future of sand racing at Vazon.
Dwindling numbers of car racers, which have at the same time driven up the cost of competing for all, has put the future of the traditional sand racing season in grave peril.
But with record numbers of drivers flocking to autocross at Chouet, there is now a move for the 'banger brigade' to help out the Guernsey Motorcycle and Car Club along the coast at Vazon.
Mick Roland, president of the Guernsey Autocross Club, confirmed that they are in direct talks with the GMC&CC about laying a platform for six or more Chouet regulars to race in the non-contact summer series.
That may mean, however, the GAC delving into their funds and contributing to the necessary purchase of MSA-approved crash helmets and drivers' fire suits, which will probably be necessary in future sand racing meetings.