Guernsey Press

Montgomery wins Jason Piriou Memorial Open

SIXTY anglers took part in the 2013 Jason Piriou Open Bass Charity Challenge.


SIXTY anglers took part in the 2013 Jason Piriou Open Bass Charity Challenge.

The Piriou family were, no doubt, pleased with the number of participants, as Jason was a keen bass angler so it was good to see so many enter in his memory.

The competition ran from 6pm on the Friday until 6pm on the Sunday. With over £1,000 of prize money up for grabs, it meant there was much to fish for.

The organisers had chosen spring tides with low water being in the early hours of the morning. Bass were likely to have been caught from the low water mark at first light.

At the start of the competition on the Friday night, there was quite a bit of wind and a big swell, so anyone who chose to free-line found it a little difficult. Crab and sandeel were the most popular baits throughout the weekend.

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