Woolnough to box without headguard for first time
BILL-TOPPER James Woolnough will be going without headgear for the first time when he takes on the Pole Pawel Augustynik at St Pierre Park on Friday night.

The Amateur Boxing Association have made a number of rule alterations to fall in line with the International Boxing Association and in some categories boxers will no longer have to wear the padded headguards.
Amalgamated Boys Club head coach Ben Duff explained the changes, which include not only headgear.
'Open class boxers will now compete without headguards, while intermediate boxers have a choice, but once they choose to box without headguards, they cannot go back to competing with them,' he said yesterday.
Novices will box with headguards unless they are competing with an inter class boxer and they can choose whether to wear them or not.
Duff added: 'After a novice boxer competes with an inter they will be classed as inter and in the senior championships boxers will complete without headguards.'
Juniors and youths will still have to wear them though.
More in todays Guernsey Press.