Ellis and Mills sign up for completed 32-player entry
TWO of Jersey's top hard-bat players are among the completed 32-entry list for the inaugural Ravenscroft CI World Championships of Ping Pong qualifier at the GTTA Centre next month.

They are Eugene Ellis, the leading Caesarean hard-bat performer of recent times, and Jack Mills, who is also strong in the more basic form of the game derived from mainstream table tennis.
The winner will win a place at the televised top table of world hard-bat performers at Alexandra Palace early in 2015, plus a £200 cash prize and all travel paid to and from London.
Tournament organiser Derek Webb is delighted that the uptake has been so good across the islands and expects an open tournament.
'It really is difficult to pick a clear favourite because those who are fantastic in regular table tennis are not always so adept with these very basic bats,' he said.
Other confirmed entries include Garry Dodd, Phil Ogier, the talented Stacey brothers and the man who has dominated the local hard bat tournament – the Mark Kilby Trophy – in recent years, Paul Hainsworth.
More in Thursdays Guernsey Press.