Four sports about to be disappointed
GUERNSEY have cleared another hurdle with flying colours as they look to host the 2021 NatWest Island Games – but there are already more looming on the horizon.

A three-person team from the International Island Games Association visited the island last weekend to inspect the sporting venues that will potentially be used in five summers' time.
Each of them was suitably impressed with every venue and everything remains on track for Guernsey to host in 2021 – but they now face a hectic month to make it happen.
Their official bid document must be submitted to the IIGA by 2 March and in that they must have a list of the 14 sports they intend to hold and also concrete dates for the Games.
With the 18 sports on the IIGA's official list all making strong cases to be a part of the action, Guernsey Island Games Association games director Jon Marley admits the next month will upset some.
'The visit last weekend was a huge success, they visited every venue that may be used and they were incredibly impressed with every single one of them,' he said.
'What we also did was tap into their knowledge of hosting Games to try and help us decide which 14 of the 18 sports we will include in 2021, which is a tough call.
'Right now, we are not much closer to knowing that list because all of the sports have strong merits and looking down that list, there are no obvious ones to drop.
'It is something we will be discussing at length in the next couple of weeks and we know there will be four sports left disappointed, but unfortunately that can't be helped.'
More in Wednesdays Guernsey Press.