Sports chosen for Guernsey 2021 bid
VOLLEYBALL is one of four sports set to miss out on being in the 2021 Island Games – although it could yet be spared depending on the outcome of the new La Mare de Carteret School build.

The Guernsey Island Games Association have submitted their official bid document for the planned home Games in five summers' time and it includes the 14 sports they intend to hold.
While there are no major surprises, there is disappointment for gymnastics, judo, squash and volleyball, who are the quartet not included for the Saturday 3 July to Friday 9 July event.
However, as Giga games director Jon Marley explained, there is a big question-mark hanging over whether basketball will be able to keep its place in the 14.
'Because of the issue of bedstock, we decided that we had to drop one of the big team sports and we felt it impossible to drop football or basketball, so volleyball is the unfortunate sport,' he said.
'But, and it is a big but, the only way that basketball will be able to be included is if the new Le Mare de Carteret School is built because we need that extra court space.'
Marley says there were tough decisions, but he is satisfied with the ones made as the Guernsey 2021 team now await the final confirmation that they will be hosts at this summer's IIGA annual general meeting.
'They were incredibly tough choices and because all of the sports are worthy, there is no perfect solution to it, but we have come to the decisions we believe are the best.
'All of the sports that will miss out will understandably be disappointed, but hopefully everybody will pull together and help to make Guernsey 2021 a success and create the legacy we hope it will.'
Sports provisionally included in Guernsey 2021
Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Bowls (indoor), Cycling, Football, Golf, Sailing (inc. windsurfing), Shooting, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Triathlon.
More in Tuesdays Guernsey Press.