EXCLUSIVE: Promotion and relegation into Priaulx League to be introduced?
PROMOTION and relegation into and from the FNB Priaulx League could be in place as early as next season, with Guernsey League Management keen to drive it through and add extra spice to the 124-year-old competition.
PROMOTION and relegation into and from the FNB Priaulx League could be in place as early as next season, with Guernsey League Management keen to drive it through and add extra spice to the 124-year-old competition.
This season was the first in the history of GFA football to feature promotion and relegation between the two divisions of the increasingly popular Railway League.
But now, GLM wants to take that further and has written to all local clubs proposing that integrating the top-tier Priaulx League into that promotion structure should be the next step forward.
Full story in Friday's Guernsey Press.