Guernsey Press

Lightning start for debutant Greening

ABBIE GREENING marked her debut in Lightning colours with victory and a player-of-the-match performance.

Lightning player of the match Abbie Greening contests the ball with SNC's Grace Coulson. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 33626174)

The former Blaze shooter’s presence up front is emblematic of a wider makeover to annual Deloitte Winter League Premier Division title-pushers Specsavers Lightning Strike, who opened their season by beating SNC Pula B 69-27 on Tuesday night.

The shift also includes former Panthers co-captain Charlotte Hill returning to C after spending time travelling.

With several other new or returning faces on show at Les Varendes, including Emily Mills starting at GK, Strike captain Donna Brehaut hopes the team can continue to gel in coming matches.

‘It was a good first performance of the season – we are a fairly new team this year,’ Brehaut said.

‘We are just trying to work through combinations.’

Lightning lived up to their name with a swift start to lead 17-8 after the first quarter.

But the young SNC side, who have lost some established players this season, showed their potential in the second.

Lightning made a few changes during that quarter, bringing Kiara Walsh into their shooting rotation and giving U16

Ella Burchell court time near the end.

The changes temporarily unsettled them and the Sarnians, who had come out of the interval with strength and determination, managed to nearly hold them even – 10 goals for 12 – in that spell. Lightning’s 29-18 lead at half-time did not look fully decisive.

Yet, far from running on fumes, Lightning accelerated in quarter three to dominate the period 22-2.

After eventually running out winners, captain Brehaut hailed a ‘good team performance’ where they regularly rotated and even the best players enjoyed rests.

She also highlighted Greening’s individual performance.

‘It’s a good debut for her and she will hopefully work the circle rotation well for us.’

For a rival side where Emelia Mullins claimed POM, having brought vibrant energy to the centre court, Brehaut also expects them to grow throughout the season.

‘All of them looked good – their shooting was great.

‘They will come on in leaps and bounds.’

Resolution IT Green had just earlier beaten their own B team, Black, albeit by a relatively tight 42-34 margin.

A strengthened Blacks side had put up a good fight in the first quarter, which the Greens edged 11-9.

Greens hit their stride in the next two quarters to lead 21-16 and 32-20.

However, the Blacks closed the game out stronger, outscoring an experienced bunch of clubmates in consolation.

It proved a match for the goal-shooters, with POM honours going to Greens’ returning Clare Henry and Blacks’ young Poppy Bisson.