Guernsey Press

Sean Dyche wants power to be shared between Premier League clubs

The Burnley manager’s comments come in the wake of the Project Big Picture proposals.


Burnley boss Sean Dyche has stressed power should be shared across the Premier League following the rejection of Project Big Picture.

It was announced on Wednesday that the division’s clubs had unanimously agreed the controversial project would not be endorsed or pursued by the Premier League, with the same applying to the Football Association.

The plan developed by Liverpool and Manchester United and supported by EFL chairman Rick Parry included immediate funding of £250million for EFL clubs feeling the financial impact of the coronavirus pandemic, and a 25 per cent share of the Premier League’s media net revenues in the future.

The proposals were criticised for appearing to concentrate too much power in the hands of the top-flight’s ‘big six’.

Asked about PBP on Thursday at his press conference ahead of Monday’s trip to West Brom, Dyche said: “What seems to be the narrative is the top six having most of the decision-making power.

“If you are talking about looking after everyone in the lower leagues, then in theory, to look after the Premier League, you share that power.

“So therefore, in possible terms, they should say ‘OK, we want to look after them but we are going to share that power across the league’, simply because everyone’s earned the right to be in the Premier League. We deserve to be there, we’ve proved that.

“I think it’s fair to say everyone should have a say, everyone should have their agreed moments of who gets what for what reason. And if that can work in the bigger picture – obviously it hasn’t worked in this case – then I’m sure everyone will be willing to play their part.”

He added: “We’ve been in it long enough to at least have a say in what goes on. I can only imagine when they had this meeting, the reason they didn’t agree…was ‘how come only you can have a say?’

“I know the attraction of a lot of fans are the top six. But equally, there’s billions that love the idea of little old Burnley beating someone, or Sheffield United doing what they did last season.

“There’s still that story that creates a buzz about the Premier League, and I think that’s probably the key – the idea being it’s not just about the major decision-making, it’s about everyone in the Premier League has earned the right to be there, so therefore they deserve at least a fair view of what goes on.

“The top six clubs having a massive say in the whole of what happens – I think that would be a peculiar situation, when you have all those other clubs who are in the same league, many for a long time.”

Dyche said it was about finding the “right way of doing it that all parties can buy into”, adding: “I played in the lower leagues – do I want them to suffer? No I don’t.”

Wednesday’s Premier League statement said there had been agreement for the clubs to work together on a “strategic plan” for the future of English football, and for a rescue package for League One and Two sides of £50million in grants and loans to be made available, with discussions regarding Championship clubs to continue.

Dyche was also asked about top-flight matches in October not already selected for live coverage being made available on a pay-per-view basis, for £14.95 a game, and said it was a price he would pay.

He said: “I think with what’s going on in the world, if that’s a way of balancing what is appropriate for the TV and media, I can’t see that big a problem with it.

“Only in the sense that if you’re a family and regularly go to watch football…then for what’s going on in the world, to have football back, on your screen, in the safety of your home…I’m bound to be biased because I’m in it and I love the game, so would I pay it? Yes I would.

“Is it a challenge for some families? I’m sure it is, particularly with what’s going on. I’m only speaking as a football fan, and for me, then I would pay that, sit with my family and hopefully enjoy a game.”

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