Guernsey Press

DPA president is expected to announce IDP debate delay

A STATES debate on proposed changes to the Island Development Plan looks set to be delayed until after next summer’s general election.

Deputy Victoria Oliver. (33566345)

It is understood that Development & Planning Authority president Victoria Oliver will announce the delay at the States meeting which starts today.

In June the authority published a range of proposed changes to IDP policies and the zoning of various parcels of land. These included the creation of six new affordable housing sites and opening up the Castel Hospital site for development.

The proposed changes have already been put out to a first stage of public consultation and arrangements are being made for an independent planning inspector to lead a planning inquiry later this year.

Since announcing its interim review of the IDP, which focuses only on some parts of the plan, the authority has said that it would take proposed changes to the States Assembly before the current term ends in June next year. But last month Deputy Oliver’s committee requested more time to consider responses to its public consultation. And multiple sources have now told the Guernsey Press that the authority has decided that it cannot complete its interim review of the IDP in time to submit proposed changes to the current Assembly.

The IDP, which guides land planning and development in the island, was adopted early in the life of the previous States. A review which was planned to take place five years later was deferred as a result of the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Planning law requires the authority to carry out a major review of all parts of the IDP at least once every 10 years.

The next major review should be carried out by the end of 2026, although the lifespan of the IDP can be extended by the States.

Deputy Oliver’s statement to the Assembly today will be followed by a period of questions without notice from other deputies.