DPA in another call for sites
ANOTHER call has been issued for brownfield sites after criticism of the Development & Planning Authority for proposing to re-zone various green fields for housing.

The authority recently admitted that it would be unable to complete its flagship project, a partial review of the Island Development Plan, before the end of the States term next year.
But it has continued the review, which will include a public planning inquiry later this year, in the hope that its successor committee will be able to take recommendations to the Assembly soon after June’s general election.
It has now challenged critics of its re-zoning proposals to come forward with alternative brownfield sites which they have claimed are available and would prevent further loss of green spaces.
‘We are currently reviewing all brownfield sites that have already been suggested and, where appropriate, challenging their availability for inclusion within the Island Development Plan.
‘Feedback that we have received strongly suggests that there are further such sites for us to consider. Therefore, to support the review, the authority is issuing this invitation for islanders to submit their suggestions,’ said DPA president Victoria Oliver.
Any brownfield site already suggested for development during a call for sites last year does not need to be re-submitted.
The authority is interested in new sites not previously submitted which are at least 0.25 acres (0.6 vergee) and could accommodate five or more dwellings, predominantly for social housing.
Critics of the DPA’s wish to revise the IDP and re-zone more greenfields for housing included the Environment & Infrastructure Committee, which revealed that it nearly blocked publication of the proposals because they allegedly fell outside ‘the spirit’ of the island’s strategic land planning policies agreed 13 years ago.
In its latest call for sites, the DPA reiterated its requirement to comply with those policies, which include that new housing and employment should be focused on St Peter Port and the Bridge with limited development in and around local centres, and said that therefore new brownfield sites should be submitted only if they are in or adjacent to those areas.
Sites on which planning permission has previously been granted or refused may be submitted for consideration.
Submissions should be in by Friday 4 October.
Further details can be found at www.gov.gg/IDP-review.