'I was given drug without consent'
A MOTHER of a baby who died shortly after being born has said she was administered a drug to induce labour without consent or explanation.

The parents of the desperately ill child, who required resuscitation and died on the afternoon of 30 January 2014, yesterday gave evidence at an ongoing tribunal in London into the alleged misconduct of three Princess Elizabeth Hospital midwives.
Lisa Granville, Antonia Manousaki and Tuija Roussel all worked on the Loveridge Ward at the time of the baby's death.
Appearing via video-link, the mother of the child, referred to only as Baby A, said she had not been consulted about receiving the drug, Syntocinon.
'I was administered Syntocinon without a doctor's referral, without a prescription, and without consent,' she said.
'At no point did the midwives seek my consent for the drug.
'At no point did they explain to me the risks of this drug, to me or my son.
'I understand from various reports that midwives say I agreed to the drug. This is categorically not the case.'