Guernsey Press

Pedal Power

CYCLE power is big news in Guernsey - and an increasing number of scenic cycle routes are emerging every year..


CYCLE power is big news in Guernsey - and an increasing number of scenic cycle routes are emerging every year.There is no better way to enjoy the sights and smells of the idyllic Guernsey countryside than heading off on a cycle and seeing where pedal power can take you!

There are plenty of quiet country and coastal lanes just waiting to be discovered - and how better to do that than by packing a picnic and designating a day to be spent on two wheels instead of four.

Taking the two wheel alternative is not only a healthier option (think of all that fresh air and exercise) but you will also see things that only whizz by you when travelling by car.

Picturesque houses, leafy lanes, beautiful flower filled meadows, sleepy farmyards suddenly come into focus. And you can take time and explore them at your leisure.

Cycling in Guernsey is definitely on the up, - more and more locals are joining the ranks - and in recognition of this VisitGuernsey has designed specific cycle routes, which are approved and well sign posted.

There is a special book which outlines each of the 11 or so routes, giving you details of where they begin, what to expect - and what fitness level you will need.

The names of the specific routes give a few clues.

How does, Hill and Valley Trek sound? Maybe you'd rather head for numbers one to six which are described generally as gentle and rolling.

Each has an intriguing title - and some stunning views in store. Country Lanes and Cliffs, Three Churches, Five Parishes and Top of the Island, are just a few to whet your apetite!

Choose to discover country churches or routes far off the beaten track which lead down to wild, flat expanses of woodland. Find yourself on fragrant clifftops or simply decide to savour the coastal experience.

Originally there were only six routes - which are all signposted with distinctive green arrows - but after proving so popular with not only visitors, but local cyclists, VisitGuernsey decided to extend them island wide.

The routes are also designed so that the cyclist looking for a longer route can can easily progress from one to another. The longest stretch will take you from L'Ancresse at the north of the island - a wild beautiful area of common land rich with wild flowers and grazing Guernsey cows - along the sandy West Coast to the spectacular cliffs at Pleinmont Point. This is a 10 mile cycle ride which is challenging, but worth the effort if you are fit enough and have a day to just savour a little of what the island can offer.

Cycle Tours, the cycle guide book which outlines the 11 routes and which gives detailed maps of each route, is produced by VisitGuernsey and can be obtained from local bookshops. For further information you can also contact the Visitor Information Centre at the North Esplanade on 723552.

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