Guernsey Press

Club spend £40k on new surface

JOHN GREENFIELD, chairman of the Guernsey Sports Commission, was on hand to open St Martin's Tennis Club's new £40,000 playing carpet.


JOHN GREENFIELD, chairman of the Guernsey Sports Commission, was on hand to open St Martin's Tennis Club's new £40,000 playing carpet. The club anticipate another 10 years or more of play on the new surface, the green light for replacing the original carpet having been given at the club's annual meeting late last year.

'The original carpet was 10 years old and showing signs of wear and tear,' said club president Tony Creasey.

'The club decided to replace the carpet with the same Play-rite II carpet selected in the mid-90s,' he added.

'This had proved popular with the members over the 10 seasons. It is a slow to medium surface and has proved ideal for all levels of ability for coaching, social and competitive play.

'The carpet provides a friendly surface on which to play, is fast draining and is easy on the knees and joints, making it ideal for our mixed weather and membership.'

Creasey said that the installation had started in March but had been interrupted by the cold and wet weather.

'A second dressing of the sand filler has now been added and we can declare the project complete,' he said.

St Martin's claims to be the only 'members' club on the island and tennis is played there throughout the year.

For further information on it, call Creasey on 740480 or 07781 120203.

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