Guernsey Press

De la Mare adds to her CV

BETTER known for her exploits on a bowling green, Lianna de la Mare has now claimed a title on the Chouet sands.


BETTER known for her exploits on a bowling green, Lianna de la Mare has now claimed a title on the Chouet sands.

In the final meeting of the autocross summer championship, she was one of the drivers to be crowned in their category along with Ozzy Ozanne, who successfully defended his title in the main points standings.

Runner-up places were decided in Small cars, Grand Slam and large cars championships while team champions 2Fast 2Serious narrowly failed to double the total points of SMS racing for the team title.

Ozanne took his customary win in his heat and final, but Shaun Bichard was a worry for the first two laps as he gained enough points to take third place overall.

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