Guernsey Press

Price quickest on a day with two class records

PAUL PRICE recorded the fastest time of the day at Saturday's Vazon Sprints, with each competitor having ample opportunity to impress.


PAUL PRICE recorded the fastest time of the day at Saturday's Vazon Sprints, with each competitor having ample opportunity to impress.

The much-reduced entry numbers, with just over 50 competitors, meant that as many as eight timed runs were available down the coast road, in front of a healthy crowd.

And on two wheels it was Price who impressed yet again, his time of 10.22sec., recorded midway through proceedings, the eventual quickest.

He was pushed close in his motorcycles class by John Rowlinson, who peaked at 10.50, while other motorbike riders Stuart Stevens, Louis Norman, Adam Girard and Tom Hicks, also all went sub-11.

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