Braye Harbour a potential marina
THREE companies are set to submit tenders to the States to build a marina in Alderney.
THREE companies are set to submit tenders to the States to build a marina in Alderney. It is thought that all the companies are looking to build a facility at Braye Harbour.
'I think all the developers are considering Braye Harbour, but I won't know for certain until the plans arrive,' said Marina Advisory Group chairman Peter Allen.
'I'm not particularly concerned about where the marina is built, though. If a developer suggests a different site, then so be it. My main concern is getting a marina built and getting it up and running.'
Peter wants a facility to be developed in the next 18 months.
'I'd like to see it built before the next election, or at least under way and at the point of no return by then. Naturally, I'm keen to see it start as soon as possible.'
Peter said the tender process was slightly different to the usual.
'It's not your average tender process - there are some differences due to the way it will be financed. We know the spread of usage may be slightly different from what it would be in other places.'
He said Alderney would benefit hugely from having a marina.
'It's vital we have one. It would provide a big boost for tourism and help many businesses grow.
'What really matters is people coming ashore. Guernsey has found that all its marinas have been a big success and very good for its economy.'
MAG members will consider the tenders at their next meeting. An announcement regarding the preferred bidder will be made as soon as possible.

Dutch developer Verweij en Partners (VP) still hasn't committed to turning the derelict fort into a luxury hotel and conference centre, but States chief executive Roy Burke remains confident that the structure will be worked on by the end of this year.
'Fort Tourgis remains on course for contract completion at the end of 2011,' he said.
And VP's architect Marianne Mollema said: 'We are still on schedule. In our opinion, there is no delay.'
The Building and Development Control Committee granted VP planning permission last year, three years after the States began negotiating with the company.
Provided the deal goes ahead, VP will pay £1m. for the fort's freehold.
Part of the cash (£400,000) will be used to upgrade the airport's terminal building.
Another £400,000 has been earmarked for the island's sports centre fund, but States members will have the final say over the cash.
Fourteen months ago, VP's Frans Verweij said: 'Our aim is to have the hotel built by the end of 2011. We'd like a building time of one year. It may seem quick to local people, but to us this is normal.'
Also speaking last year, Marianne said: 'The main plan is still the same - we are looking to build a four- or five-star hotel with 57 rooms.
'Everybody wants to know when we're going to start, but it depends on a lot of things.
'We know people are anxious for us to start.'
Tourgis has been derelict for decades. Schemes to turn the building into a casino, a marine research centre, luxury flats and a clinic for sufferers of mild psychiatric illnesses have all failed.
The fort dates back to the 1850s, when it was built to defend the breakwater and harbour.