Guernsey Press

Follow the donkey trail

A MAP has been created to help people follow Guernsey's Donkey Parade.


A MAP has been created to help people follow Guernsey’s Donkey Parade.

The map above gives the location of all 42 fibreglass donkeys, which have been individually painted by local artists and organisations as part of a fund-raising idea by the Guernsey Adult Literacy Project.

‘The idea behind it was so that children can go round and tick off the donkeys as they see them,’ said College of Further Education principal and Adult Literacy Project director Trevor Wakefield.

‘It is just nice for the community to enjoy the displays.

‘We built it to bring the whole community together.’

  • Once you've had a chance to view the donkeys using the downloadable map, above, come back here and vote for your favourite...

[polldaddy poll="5236446"]

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