Guernsey Press

After rough journey on lifeboat baby girl had to be called Storm

A BABY girl who came close to being born in Alderney's lifeboat in rough seas has been given Storm as her middle name.


A BABY girl who came close to being born in Alderney's lifeboat in rough seas has been given Storm as her middle name.

Talia Storm Jenkins is Alderney resident Ebony Jenkins' first child.

When she went into labour at 2am on Friday, she called the Mignot Memorial Hospital. She was told to wait for a while before attending - but knew that, as a first-time mum, she would have to go to the Princess Elizabeth Hospital for the birth.

When she arrived at Alderney's hospital at 7.30am, staff called to book a flight and found Aurigny was not flying because of thick fog.

Miss Jenkins' dad, James Walker, said the lifeboat, the Roy Barker I, endured winds as high as force six during the 90-minute crossing - although Miss Jenkins was too preoccupied to pay much attention.

  • Read the full story in the Guernsey Press. Click here for subscription details. Individual editions are now available online.

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