Guernsey Press

Bishop blesses residents

ST TUGUAL'S CHAPEL was this week honoured with a visit from the Bishop of Southampton.


ST TUGUAL'S CHAPEL was this week honoured with a visit from the Bishop of Southampton.

The Rev. Canon Jonathan Frost was on a flying visit to the Bailiwick, spending a day in Guernsey and a day in Herm.

While in Herm, he held a special service in the chapel and performed baptisms and confirmations for island residents.

The bishop's day began in true Herm style, with a very choppy boat crossing and a dip in Belvoir Bay with the Rev. Richard Bellinger. Mr Bellinger later reported that while he gingerly dipped his toes into the water, 'the bishop dove headlong into the waves'.

The church service was a special one. Three of the adult island residents – Jos Knight, Juliet Churchward and Mat Nicholls – were confirmed, while three children – Eden Latter, India Waterhouse and Albie Waterhouse – were baptised.

It was also nice to have an actual bishop sit in the Bishop's Chair in the chapel, which usually remains alone and unused on the side of the altar.

Bishop Jonathan explained to the children and I that on his way from England, he had misplaced his mitre. A frantic search in Guernsey on Saturday night, in which he called all the churches in search of a spare one, proved fruitless. In the end, Mrs Mellor, wife of the Dean of Guernsey, whipped one up from scratch. The very professional result looked exactly like the real thing and is now something 'incredibly special' to the bishop.

One of the nicer things about St Tugual's is that, although tiny, it has a very relaxed atmosphere and services can be a little bit different. Indeed, little Albie was hesitant to put down the apple he was eating when it came time for his baptism.

'It's quite all right,' said the bishop, 'to be baptised with an apple'.

And it's becoming the norm at these things for the congregation to find themselves drenched in holy water as well as the candidates.

The service was a lovely one, with both Bishop Jonathan and Mr Bellinger being quite new to the experience. To have all the baptisms and confirmations done at once gave a nice community feel, with the church full of friends and family.

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