Pumpkins in Petite Poule
HAVING said last week that under Sark's unwritten rulebook, once November has arrived I can mention Christmas, I received in the post an unexpected but welcome peg upon which to hang my first reference this year to the festive season.

HAVING said last week that under Sark's unwritten rulebook, once November has arrived I can mention Christmas, I received in the post an unexpected but welcome peg upon which to hang my first reference this year to the festive season.
It came from Germany – I think from the postmark that it may have been Heidelberg – and was sent by (I think, because the writing was a little small, so apologies if I've got it wrong) Anna and Annette Schmidt.
They explained that they had enjoyed a wonderful holiday in Sark this summer but found that on their return to Germany they could not exchange their Guernsey pounds for euros. So, having decided to keep a £1 note as a souvenir of their holiday, they sent the remaining £7 'home to Sark' so that what was only paper in Germany 'could be money again and perhaps could be useful for any better purpose'.
'We know this is not much money but please let us give it to you as perhaps it helps just a little bit for anything. We think this is better than holding it only as paper. Thank you very much! We enjoyed our Sark holiday a lot,' they wrote.
I have no idea how they obtained my address – correct right down to the 'new' postcode which, thanks to Guernsey postal authorities, who initially lumped us in with Alderney but years later changed it, many online businesses just refuse to accept.
If our two friends from Heidelberg read this, can I say that the money they sent has been given to the Sark Chamber of Commerce's Christmas Lights Fund, which finances a rolling programme of maintenance and replacement of decorations which add colour and pleasure to The Avenue.
May I also pass on the thanks of Sark Chamber president Bob Parsons, who described the gift as a welcome donation to a somewhat depleted bank account. Stressing that the Lights Fund is totally separate from the Chamber's own finances, Bob said that a sizeable sum of money is needed each year to maintain and replace the lights.
'Each year we ask for donations and Sark's residents and businesses – and indeed individuals and businesses in Guernsey – are very generous, particularly given all the other worthy causes they support, but can I make another plea to those who can perhaps spare a few pounds so that we can continue this tradition?' he said.
'We are grateful to Sark Electricity, who not only put up the lights but also plug them in to the electricity supply free of charge, but each year we find that some are in need of either maintenance or replacement and that's why we need the money.'
This year there will be a change of venue for the switching-on ceremony when it moves from La Heche courtyard to the green just past Avenue Cycles. I'm told that in addition to the traditional Christmas tree, there are plans also for a nativity scene to serve as a reminder of the true spirit of Christmas.
Having referred to one seasonal celebration, I now turn to another – Halloween.
Thanks to the seemingly indefatigable Kristina Southern (she also organises the lights ceremony as well as running her Petite Poule Bistro) there was a pumpkin carving competition for island children straight after school on Monday afternoon.
Without putting too fine a point on it, the size and sharpness of some of the knives being used sent shivers down my spine, so I'll restrict my comments to the fact that the competition was won by Phoebe Higham, who I think can't be much more than four years of age, while the fancy dress was won by Freya Lalor.
It's the builders' bonfire tomorrow, which will be held in Clos Messervy, to the north of The Avenue.
No fireworks but still a lot of fun.
The email address for comment is fallesark@sark.net.