Harbours masterplan is welcomed by users
A PORTS masterplan is essential for the future of Guernsey's harbours, and facilities need to be modernised, people at St Peter Port harbour said yesterday.
A PORTS masterplan is essential for the future of Guernsey's harbours, and facilities need to be modernised, people at St Peter Port harbour said yesterday.
Shipping companies, yachtsmen and nearby businesses agreed it was time the island looked at developing its ports and supported the move by Public Services to prepare a plan, which will set out the development strategy for the next 25 years.
A deep-water berth, addressing overcrowding at freight facilities and changing the layout at the harbours have been highlighted as some of the key future requirements by the department.
Steve Champion-Smith, a director of freight company Huelin-Renouf, said it was imperative the ports were kept in top condition.
However, yachtsman Brian Gabriel felt although the harbours were in need of an upgrade, it was more important to see if the island could afford it.