New pontoons being installed at Victoria Marina
The installation of new pontoons in the visitors’ marina in St Peter Port is progressing on schedule.

New modern, heavy-duty pontoons are being installed, as a replacement of pontoons D and E in Victoria Marina, which had reached the end of their operational life.
The £300,000 project follows other pontoon upgrades and refurbishments recently, including in the QE2 Marina, Albert Marina and Fish Quay.
‘In the last week, we have built, launched and begun the first segment of the pontoon install, which is installing pontoon runs for D and E,’ said ports technical services manager Mark Rive.
‘The next steps are to inspect and repair the gangways as necessary, reinstall the bank seats, which support the gangway at the quay end, and install the utilities, which include power and water supply and wifi.
‘We expect to have all of the work completed before the start of the visitors’ season.’
The work has been scheduled while the visitors’ marina is at its quietest time of the year to minimise any disruption and loss of revenue.
The previous pontoons were about 50 years old and replacing them was more cost-effective than continued maintenance, due to the ageing condition of the timber decking and buoyancy floats.
A number of pontoons in the Albert Marina are also being re-decked this winter.
The States Trading Supervisory Board, which is responsible for St Peter Port and St Sampson’s Harbours, has faced criticism in recent years from boat owners who have been hit by increases in marina fees well above the rate of inflation.
The board has said the increases were needed partly to help fund overdue investment in facilities, but the Guernsey Boatowners’ Association has claimed that its members were effectively subsidising annual losses at the airport.