Guernsey Press

Park 'n' ride saves regatta a parking coup de grass

LONG grass means a field normally used for Rocquaine Regatta parking is out of commission.


LONG grass means a field normally used for Rocquaine Regatta parking is out of commission.

The event will see thousands of people packing the bay tomorrow and the main coast road between Portelet and Fort Grey will be closed.

Rocquaine Regatta president Rick Strappini said the field half-way down Rue du Portelets usually helped solve the problem of parking and was able to hold about 150 cars.

'The field's owner normally opens it up for the regatta and the money raised from it goes to charity,' he said.

'We approached him and asked him if he was going to open this year, but apparently it was so wet and the weather has been so bad that he has not been able to cut the grass. That means he can't open it to the public.'

Mr Strappini said thankfully the committee was trialling a park and ride scheme this year and he hoped that would solve the problem.

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