Guernsey Press

Sark to get civil servant

SARK'S first civil servant will help set in motion reform of its government after Chief Pleas yesterday approved the appointment of an interim chief secretary.


SARK'S first civil servant will help set in motion reform of its government after Chief Pleas yesterday approved the appointment of an interim chief secretary.

But conseillers who expressed concern during the debate were keen to ensure that the vote for the six-month position did not mean total endorsement of the Belinda Crowe review of government.

Her report recommended the introduction of a small civil service, the slimming down of the committee system, and the introduction of a long-term strategic plan for the island.

General Purposes and Advisory Committee chairman Charles Maitland, pictured, put forward the request for the chief secretary.

He said appointing a civil servant to begin the process of reform did not mean the committee would implement the whole report.

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