Pride of Guernsey: Jennifer Lindfield
AS A frontline emergency medical technician, Jennifer Lindfield is one of two employees to finish a new ambulance diploma course first amongst her peers.
This was one reason why Ms Lindfield was anonymously nominated to be crowned the Rossborough-sponsored Emergency Hero of the Year.
'The St John Ambulance and Rescue Service regularly receive letters and cards praising and thanking ambulance staff. The member of staff who received the most appreciations during last year which praised her professionalism, care and understanding is Emergency Medical Technician Jennifer Lindfield.
'Jennifer has only been with the service since 2014, but prior to joining, she was a lifeguard at Beau Sejour and a member of the voluntary section of St John.
'Apart from her employment as a frontline EMT, Jennifer continues as a volunteer and is presently a cadet unit leader and a trainer. In 2016, Jennifer became an instructor of the Royal Life Saving Society National Water Safety Management Programme and now delivers this course to all operational employees.
'She is one of two employees to be the first to complete the new national Associate Ambulance Practitioner Diploma Course and is now completing a period of on-road experiential training and reflective practice to complete the qualification'.