Cyber security expert to speak at conference
THE EXPERT who help write the UK’s first national cyber security strategy will be one of the headline speakers at this year’s Guernsey cyber security conference.

David Ferbrache will bring broad cross-sector experience drawn from his ministerial-level government work to the event this month.
As well as being the principal author of the UK’s first national cyber security strategy, Mr Ferbrache has been involved in establishing most of the UK’s subsequent national cyber security structures and organisations. He led the delivery of the defence cyber security programme and is a member of the Scottish government’s national cyber resilience leaders board.
Bruce Hallas, author, speaker and founder of Marmalade Box, will also headline the conference – sharing his six years of research into the human factors relating to cyber security. Other speakers include Colin Vaudin, the chief information officer at the States of Guernsey, and Channel Islands experts on cyber security.
The event has been organised by the Channel Islands Information Security Forum and chairman Arthur Mainja said: ‘We have secured both internationally renowned cyber security thought leaders and local experts for this event and the schedule is comprehensive yet accessible for professionals from all business sectors.
‘We hope to increase the level of knowledge about information security, with the ambition of helping Guernsey raise the bar of cyber preparedness, which could be a critical point of difference for the jurisdiction.’
. The conference is free to attend and takes place on Wednesday 24 April at the Upper Globe, Mourant, Royal Chambers.
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