Guernsey Press

Delancey Park open day gets the bowls rolling

ISLANDERS took the chance to try bowls for the first time at an open day at the Delancey Park bowling green on Saturday.

The Northern Bowls Association’s open day for people to learn and play lawn bowls at Delancey Rink. Left to right, Lynn Le Vallee teaching Jan and Tony Simon how to play. (Picture by Luke Le Prevost, 30748823)

The Northern Bowls Association has about 75 members, but vice-president Paul Wakeham said it would like more.

‘The membership does fluctuate because we have older members,’ he said.

‘So we are trying to get younger people involved. We would like membership to be three figures.’

To help increase interest the club has been working with several local schools, giving students a chance to have a go. The club also holds two open days a year. The open day on Saturday enjoyed good weather and lots of people came to try the sport.

‘This is brilliant,’ Mr Wakeham said.

‘We’ve had lots of people coming and having a go.’

Among the people trying it were Jan and Tony Simon, who had never tried bowls.

‘We live just down the road and we thought we could come and have a go,’ said Mr Simon.

‘We have had family members who have bowled. We have watched it on the television and it looked easy. But it’s not. We have been enjoying it, though, and the people are very friendly.’

Joanne Hardy was also giving the sport a try, with her four-year-old daughter Freya. Ms Hardy’s father, Steve Cowdrey, is a member of the club.

‘We came along to support him and the kids have been having a go,’ she said.

‘It seems like a good sport for older people and my dad enjoys it.’

Freya had a good time too.

‘I like it,’ she said. ‘But they are quite heavy.’

n To find out more about the club visit