Former Grammar School student to run his photography project with Pride celebrations
A FORMER Grammar School student now living in Canada will return to the island for a photography project timed with the annual Pride celebrations.

Don’t You Want Me is a social impact photography project which shows the bond between the LGBTQ+ community and their rescue dogs, cultivating empathy, understanding and admiration through photos and storytelling.
Jack Jackson now lives in Toronto and previously went to the Grammar School.
He has already toured the project in Canada, where it attracted a huge amount of interest and media coverage.
Curated in Guernsey by Liberate, the project will exhibit at the George Crossan Gallery in the Market Buildings from Thursday 1 to Sunday 11 September, open from 9am to 5pm daily, except the day of Pride, Saturday 3 September.
During his time in Guernsey, Mr Jackson will also interview and photograph local people who would like to take part in the project. Individuals who are part of the LGBTQ+ community, have rescued a dog, and have experienced first-hand how their dog changed their life, are encouraged to apply to participate.
Mr Jackson is currently holding video interviews with people who want to be involved before they meet in Guernsey.
For more information in how to take part or to schedule an interview, contact Jack Jackson by email at
A feature on Jack Jackson, together with some of his photos from Don’t You Want Me, will feature in the Guernsey Press next Wednesday.