Guernsey Press

Local schools are to close for day of Queen’s funeral

ALL Guernsey’s schools will be closed on Bank Holiday Monday and many local shops are also expected to shut for the Queen’s funeral.

All Guernsey’s schools will be closed on Bank Holiday Monday for the Queen’s funeral. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 31262217)

As well as all state schools, Elizabeth College, Ladies’ College and Blanchelande College have said that they will close for the day.

A Bank Holiday was among the first proclamations made by King Charles last week, but the UK government has said that shops will not be obliged to shut and it was at their discretion.

That means that some national stores could stay open, but in Guernsey Creasey’s director Jonathan Creasey said all of its stores and the Marks and Spencer franchise will close.

Sandpiper, which operates Checkers Express, Costa and the food halls, said yesterday that it had not yet made a decision.

Some national stores have already made their intentions public. John Lewis Partnership, which operates Waitrose supermarkets, is keeping a handful of food shops open along the route of the funeral in London but is shutting all other branches and Fat Face has said it will be closed too.

B & Q has also announced the closure of all of its stores on the day.

The Channel Islands Co-op confirmed yesterday that all of its stores and offices will also be closed. It is understood that other local and national shops are still considering what to do.

Guernsey Chamber of Commerce, meanwhile, said that it is up to local businesses what they do.

‘It is each business’s prerogative to follow States’ guidelines and decide whether or not to close on this occasion,’ said executive director Laura McKerrell.

‘Chamber have cancelled two events that day in respect of the state funeral, and will be observing the bank holiday as a time to reflect on Her Majesty’s passing.’

But she said that Chamber was aware that the business community had faced ‘innumerable obstacles’, particularly in recent years, which had led to them having to restrict opening hours and some might decide to stay open.

n The Guernsey Press will be published on Monday.