Guernsey Press

North cancels bonfire night party after bad behaviour

ANTISOCIAL behaviour last year has forced Northerners AC to cancel its popular bonfire night this coming weekend.

Antisocial behaviour last years has led to the cancellation of the bonfire night party at Northfield. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 31415975)

The event at Northfield, which is usually attended by about 1,000 people, saw a small group cause damage and be rude towards volunteers trying to run the bonfire last year.

Bicycles were damaged and fights broke out. Under-age drinkers were told to take the alcohol off-site, but often refused and club volunteers and staff were verbally abused.

‘Policing it was very difficult,’ said North president Colin Kimber.

The decision to cancel it this year was made due to concerns over damage and policing, and had nothing to do with club finances, he said.

Mr Kimber said the decision was not taken lightly and left North members saddened that the event had been ruined by the actions of a few.

‘We don’t do it for money, we’ve always done this for the community,’ said Mr Kimber.

The event was a staple of the club calendar and had been running for about 10 years. Mr Kimber hoped it would return next year.

But these major events will still be going ahead

A NUMBER of ‘big’ bonfire night parties will be running this weekend.

St Martins AC will be hosting its annual event at Blanche Pierre Lane on Friday from 6pm where there will be a bonfire, fireworks, Guy Fawkes judging, food, including homemade beanjar, a meat draw, and the clubhouse will be open.

The event has been running for some 25 years and normally draws a crowd of about 500.

‘It is definitely the busiest night of our year, I started planning it in February,’ said club director Ben Hunter.

The money raised from the event all goes back into the club, mostly to support its minis section.

La Houguette School will also be hosting a bonfire night on Friday from 5pm to help raise funds for projects to improve areas such as the playground.

‘We support the school community by supporting the wider community,’ said PTA co-chairwoman Claire Reader.

Food will be available, along with homemade bean jar and soups from the parents, along with a tuck shop and bar being open.

Ms Reader said that the PTA always gets good feedback on this long-standing event. Many families take advantage of cheaper family tickets.

The 2nd Guernsey Scouts have been busy building the bonfire for their annual event, using pallets to build it as high as they are allowed.

The event will take place at the Wayfarer Centre on Saturday from 5.30pm and there will be hot food on offer alongside the fireworks and bonfire.

‘It’s usually packed,’ said Scout leader Tracey de la Haye.

The Guernsey Raiders will also be holding a fireworks night at the Guernsey Rugby Club on Sunday from 5pm.

After missing last year due to the rearranged Siam Cup, the club is looking forward to putting the event back on.

‘It’s a nice community event,’ said Raiders committee member Chris Gnapp.

Food and drinks will be on offer, with a barbecue manned by Raiders players always being popular.

Parking will be available, with Footes Lane one-way from Les Varendes to Les Baissieres from 4pm on Sunday.