Shorthand States: P&R debate adjourned
Listen to a round-up from today at the States as debate on the motion of no confidence in the island's senior committee fails to reach a conclusion.

Day three (Friday)
Simon De La Rue and Matt Fallaize round up Friday's no-confidence debate, which will now drag on into December and the next meeting after members failed to reach a conclusion on the future of P&R.
Day two (Thursday)
Simon De La Rue and Matt Fallaize are joined by P&R president Peter Ferbrache, with debate on a motion of no confidence in his committee set to take place on Friday.
Day one (Wednesday)
Simon De La Rue and Matt Fallaize round up the first day of this week's meeting as deputies return to debate on the 2024 Budget — and with it the issue of how to fund Education's transformation programme.
Stay tuned for more 'Shorthand States' podcasts throughout the week.